Friday, January 25, 2019

Shutdown Impact on Tax Court Cases

Mega Refund

The following is a short introduction to the blog(s) over the development between the Tax Court cases that will continue to delay those who are subject to pending decisions. 

IRS Update on Shutdown Impact on Tax Court Cases; Important Information for Taxpayers, Tax Professionals with Pending Cases

The United States Tax Court’s website announced that the Tax Court shut down operations on Friday, December 28, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. and will remain closed until further notice. The IRS reminds taxpayers and tax professionals the Tax Court website is the best place to get information about a pending case.

There are some important points for taxpayers and tax professionals to keep in mind. These are some questions and answers to help during the current appropriations lapse.
What should I do if a document I mailed or sent to the Tax Court was returned to me?

The Tax Court website indicates that mail sent to the court through the U.S. Postal Service or through designated private delivery services may have been returned undelivered. If a document you sent to the Tax Court was returned to you, as the Tax Court website indicates, re-mail or re-send the document to the Court with a copy of the envelope or container (with the postmark or proof of mailing date) in which it was first mailed or sent. In addition, please retain the original.


Source can be found at IRS.GOV
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-Mega Refund

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A new tax year - 2019

Mega Refund


This year has presented itself with a plentiful bounty of changes. Some changes that might be beneficial to you and others that might require you to review your future expenses as the current administration continues to iron out publication laws. The following below is a sample article from the IRS. 


IR-2019-01, January 7, 2019

WASHINGTON ― Despite the government shutdown, the Internal Revenue Service today confirmed that it will process tax returns beginning January 28, 2019 and provide refunds to taxpayers as scheduled.

“We are committed to ensuring that taxpayers receive their refunds notwithstanding the government shutdown. I appreciate the hard work of the employees and their commitment to the taxpayers during this period,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig.

Congress directed the payment of all tax refunds through a permanent, indefinite appropriation (31 U.S.C. 1324), and the IRS has consistently been of the view that it has authority to pay refunds despite a lapse in annual appropriations. Although in 2011 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directed the IRS not to pay refunds during a lapse, OMB has reviewed the relevant law at Treasury’s request and concluded that IRS may pay tax refunds during a lapse.

The IRS will be recalling a significant portion of its workforce, currently furloughed as part of the government shutdown, to work. Additional details for the IRS filing season will be included in an updated FY2019 Lapsed Appropriations Contingency Plan to be released publicly in the coming days. "


Full article at IRS.GOV
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-Mega Refund Staff